Title: The Problem of Dozing Author: Sasusc Fandom: Doctor Who Characters: 10th Doctor, Rose Tyler Words: 1784 Summary: Sequel to The Problem with Daydreams, but not a necessary read to understand this story, where the Doctor gets himself into a hot mess.
Title: Just to Rest Author: Sasusc Fandom: Doctor Who Character: Eleven, Rose Words: 661 Summary: Bone-weary and tired, the Doctor takes a time out. Series: 365 Days of Drabble, Day Eight
This was originally planned to be a Doctor/Companion video, but I was too lazy to snag clips with Martha and Donna, and try to track down Eleven and Amy clips so this turned into the story of Rose and the Doctor. Enjoy!
I was inspired to take up a pencil and draw thanks to momentmusicaland her fic, "Tangents". I love this AU Human Nature fic, and I just had to draw the ending of it as it was just so sad and heartbreaking for them. I have two different versions of it.